Elementary School

Kindergarten is an integral part of Faith Preparatory School’s Elementary School. Our program is designed to provide a nurturing and supportive environment where young students can explore, learn, and grow. Our experienced teacher guides students through a curriculum that emphasizes creativity, imagination, and play-based learning while ensuring that the students are excelling academically.
Our classroom is equipped with visuals of numbers, cursive and print alphabet, and other relevant teaching aids to facilitate a smooth and efficient learning process. In Kindergarten, students learn various essential classroom skills such as raising their hand, standing in line, sitting at their desk, and listening to instructions. These skills help to boost their confidence and enable them to socialize with their peers and teachers effectively.
At Faith Preparatory School, we believe in a well-grounded education that includes both academic and creative activities. Therefore, while our Kindergarten students adjust to the routine of being in a structured classroom environment, they have closed-classroom lunches and activity times before joining the rest of Elementary School for joint activities such as lunch and daily chapel.
Our Kindergarten program is designed to help students learn and develop skills such as counting, reading, writing, and problem-solving. We also encourage creativity and imagination, which helps our students think outside the box. Kindergarten students have a designated daily Recess time to build relationships with their classmates and release energy through healthy play either in the gymnasium or on the outside playground. Additionally, students also partake in a variety of organized weekly specials such as Art, Music, Gym, and Spanish Class.
Additionally, the Kindergarten Class does an in-depth study of Safari Animals throughout creative visuals that are presented at our annual Academic Fair.
Field Trips may include visits to the park or zoo.
Overall, our Kindergarten program provides a nurturing and supportive environment for students to launch their academic career.
First Grade
First Grade is a milestone year for students as they go through significant mental growth and development. Meeting students' emotional needs during this time is essential to ensure their academic success. First Graders require an environment that helps foster their curiosity and encourages a love for learning. In this Grade, students primarily develop their reading and writing skills, which is crucial for their overall development. They also learn fundamental science concepts, mathematical skills, and historical facts that serve as a foundation to progress in the following academic years.
The Bible curriculum for First Grade is a well-structured series that prepares students to live a Christian life. This curriculum aims to help students become grounded in and shaped by God’s Word. By understanding the Gospel of Jesus, students learn the importance of Scripture memorization and practice this discipline throughout their weekly studies.
The English curriculum in First Grade focuses primarily on phonics as students learn to read and write. Lessons build a strong foundation for effective use of oral and written language skills through direct instruction, interactive learning, and multi-sensory activities to cater to every learning style. Additionally, students learn the necessary skills to learn cursive and work on their handwriting. They learn how to match each letter to its uppercase and lowercase counterpart and are taught the correct pencil posture and paper position for writing. In a separate class, students practice their Reading abilities as they focus on phonics and word recognition, reading comprehension, and various types of literature.
In History class, students gain an understanding of social studies from a Biblical worldview. They learn about themes such as family, church, government, citizenship, and work. Students will expand upon this knowledge in Second Grade History. The Science curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity, wonder, and appreciation for God’s creation. Additionally, Science provides students with multiple engaging and sensory activities to explore to increase their learning.
Math in First Grade covers mathematical foundations such as reading and identifying numbers, counting, addition, and subtraction. Furthermore, the curriculum prepares students for Second Grade math as they get ready for multiplication by counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Students also begin preparation for algebra readiness as they identify pictures with a number sentence and understand the use of addition properties.
To enhance their education, First Grade students experience a hands-on and engaging learning experience where they do an extensive and deep study on Dinosaurs. The students showcase their findings at the annual Academic Fair.
First Grade students have a designated daily Recess time to build relationships with their classmates and release energy through healthy play either in the gymnasium or on the outside playground. Additionally, students also partake in a variety of organized weekly specials such as Art, Music, Gym, and Spanish Class.
Field trips may include visiting the local library, Dinosaur State Park, and the local park.
Overall, First Grade is a year that promotes confidence while exposing students to various new experiences through hands-on learning and organized structures.
Second Grade
Second Grade is a crucial year for students to become more independent, responsible, and self-confident. During this stage, students constantly expand their knowledge and skills in core subjects such as History, English, Math, Science, Reading, Spelling, and Handwriting.
The Bible curriculum in Second Grade begins with the Old Testament and ends in the New Testament, focusing on biblical concepts such as the Fall and Redemption, Biblical truths such as God’s love and salvation, and Biblical Figures such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Paul. The curriculum is designed to enable students to develop an authentic Christian worldview.
Second Grade History provides an age-appropriate study of citizenship, government, economics, geography, and culture. Throughout this class, students learn topics such as the purpose of laws, the levels of government, regions in the United States, and essential parts of American culture. In English and Spelling classes, students are equipped with the concepts and tools needed to apply grammar and wiring skills to produce accurate communication. Additionally, students will learn how to write paragraphs and personal stories and begin to develop their research skills. Throughout Reading class, students read an interesting and developmentally appropriate selection from various genres to help improve concepts such as phonics reinforcement, vocabulary development, oral reading, and reading comprehension.
In Math class, Second Graders are exposed to concepts such as leveraging manipulatives and other interactive learning experiences. Topics include studying data, learning about money, introduction to multiplication, introduction to division, and basic geometry. Science class presents students with a Biblical worldview that explains creation and everything in it. The curriculum takes a STEM-based approach when explaining concepts such as exploring matter and motion, exploring earth and space, and exploring living things.
Students in Second Grade expand their Science knowledge by doing a class-wide comprehensive study on space. Students present their findings and research at our annual Academic Fair.
Second Grade, students have a designated daily Recess time to build relationships with their classmates and release energy through healthy play either in the gymnasium or on the outside playground. Additionally, students also partake in a variety of organized weekly specials such as Art, Music, Gym, and Spanish Class.
Field trips may include visiting the Institute for American Indian Studies and a local business tour of the Bagelman Factory.
Overall, Second Grade is set up to foster healthy educational habits such as working diligently, respecting teachers and classmates, honoring class rules, and taking accountability for their responsibilities. As students develop these habits, they will also be prepared to understand different studying methods and understand the trial and error part of the learning process.
Third Grade
In Third Grade, students begin to develop a greater awareness of the world around them. The curriculum is designed to foster learning and exploration, encouraging students to grow their sense of reality. Third Grade is about building confidence and independence while being understanding and empathetic towards others. A key focus within Third Grade is on environmental literacy and the importance of Godly stewardship.
The Bible curriculum in Third Grade focuses on the ministry of Jesus and the Early Church. Students learn about the missionary journeys of Paul, as well as the parables and miracles found in the New Testament. Through this curriculum, students gain a deeper understanding of how these teachings apply to their lives today as modern-day disciples.
In History, students cultivate their awareness of the world by studying different world regions and exploring various cultures, religions, beliefs, customs, traditions, food, clothing, and topics related to government and economics. To enhance their language arts skills, students have a dedicated writing and grammar class and a reading and spelling class. These classes enable students to improve their writing ability, identify parts of speech, and practice reading comprehension. Additionally, Third Grade has a handwriting class where students develop their cursive writing skills, preparing them to write fluently in cursive by the end of the year.
The Third Grade Math curriculum is designed to enable students to learn, practice, and become familiar with multiplication and division facts. In Science, students are provided with an overview of earth-space, life, and physical sciences. Topics explore enriching discussions about weather, climate, plants, animals, ecosystems, and more, emphasizing stewardship and taking care of the world around us.
In line with the Third Grade’s stewardship theme, students participate in a hands-on study of ocean pollution, renewable energy, and landfills. Students will write persuasive essays, creative stories, and sound poems to showcase their findings and present their work at our annual Academic Fair.
Third Grade students have a designated daily Recess time to build relationships with their classmates and release energy through healthy play either in the gymnasium or on the outside playground. Additionally, students also partake in a variety of organized weekly specials such as Art, Music, Gym, and Spanish Class.
Field trips may include visiting Whitehall Conservatory and a local park.
Overall, Third Grade is a pivotal year for students to understand the realities around them, fostering a love of learning and exploration that will serve them well in their future studies.
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade is an exciting year for students as they gain confidence and receive a strong foundation in their core subjects of History, English, Math, and Science. It is a year that helps students develop crucial study habits and prepares them for future academic success.
In Bible Class, Fourth Graders learn about God’s love, power, Truths, and the Holy Trinity. Additionally, students are taught how to navigate their Bibles and practice reading, writing, and reciting Scriptures.
Fourth Grade History allows for students to become familiar with important Historical events and people within US History. Students are also exposed to visuals and learning materials to enable them to understand US Geography, including identifying landmarks and exploring different cultures. The curriculum is designed to encourage students to think critically and understand the consequences of right and wrong from historical events. English class helps students enhance their writing skills through journaling and applying specific writing styles. Throughout the year, students will gain knowledge of the writing process and learn various grammar skills such as capitalization, punctuation rules, and sentence structures. Additionally, Fourth Grade has a designated spelling, handwriting, and reading class to help strengthen these important academic avenues for future success.
Math class covers a variety of mathematical concepts and develops skills through various methods and manipulatives. Students receive visual aids and have time to apply what they have learned through demonstrations and hands-on work. Through Science class, Fourth Graders gain an understanding of God’s creation as they explore topics such as the human body, nutrition, animals, plants, outer space, ocean life, and more.
The Fourth Grade class participates in an in-depth study of Biomes and Animal life, where they will feature their research and findings at our annual Academic Fair.
Fourth Grade students have a designated daily Recess time to build relationships with their classmates and release energy through healthy play either in the gymnasium or on the outside playground. Additionally, students also partake in a variety of organized weekly specials such as Art, Music, Gym, and Spanish Class.
Field trips may include a rotation of visiting Sturbridge Village, the Science Center, the Native American Museum, and the Bronx Zoo.
Overall, Fourth Grade prepares students for future academic success and equips them to collaborate and communicate effectively with their peers and teachers.
Fifth Grade
Fifth Grade is a crucial year for students as it marks their transition out of elementary routines and prepares them for entering Middle School the following year. The curriculum is divided into the core subjects of History, English, Math, and Science, with additional classes for Spelling and Reading. Each subject is taught to the standard that will ensure a strong foundation for future learning.
In Bible, Fifth Grade students study an overview of the Old Testament, covering the fathers of our faith and the major and minor prophets. Students will expand on this knowledge in Middle School and High School. Additionally, students will memorize blocks of Scripture verses, including the Christmas story found in Luke 2, 1 Corinthians 13, the story of Nicodemus, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
History class allows students to go back in time to the discovery and exploration of the New World. Students will learn about how our country became a nation and explore history through World War I. The curriculum is created to set a foundation for the students to build upon these topics throughout their Middle School career. In English, students partake in hands-on assignments to help them develop their grammar and writing skills. By the end of the year, students will know how to write biographies, poetry, personal narratives, and academic-based research papers. Aside from English class, students have designated reading and spelling time to continue their growth in these areas as they prepare for Middle School.
Math class builds on the foundational knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, expanding into harder multi-layered math problems and concepts as the year progresses. Science class provides a thought-provoking general science study where students learn about the studies of the earth, space, biomes, ecosystems, the human body, and more. This class sets a foundation for students to study these topics deeper in Sixth Grade.
Additionally, Fifth Grade will do a deep dive study into Natural Disasters for their annual Academic Fair and complete an impressive research paper and Google slideshow presentation to showcase their research and findings.
Fifth Grade students have a designated daily Recess time to build relationships with their classmates and release energy through healthy play either in the gymnasium or on the outside playground. Additionally, students also partake in a variety of organized weekly specials such as Art, Music, Gym, Spanish, and Computer Class.
Field trips may include visiting an Indian village reservation, Sturbridge Village, and the Norwalk Aquarium.
Overall, the Fifth Grade curriculum fosters a dynamic and stimulating environment that prepares students for the endeavors that await them in Middle School.